Thursday, September 3, 2020

Middle Class Women in 19th Century American Society Essay

Ladies were constantly confronted explicitly in history by men until they got equivalent to them. In the story â€Å"The yellow wallpaper† the creator Charlotte Perkins Gilman expresses a few things about the manner in which ladies were treated by men in those days in the nineteenth century. Women’s jobs and spot in the nineteenth century American culture are embarrassing, sane for this general public and unusual. Ladies in those days were treated as â€Å"something† not as â€Å"someone† that is to state futile creatures, that don't have cerebrums. The yellow backdrop represents something that impacts her in a flash. Through the yellow backdrop we can see that the lady is filthy and torn simply like the messy yellow backdrop â€Å"It is the most abnormal yellow, that backdrop! It makes me think about all the yellow things I at any point saw †not delightful ones like buttercups, however old foul, awful yellow things† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 6, page 11). Also Gilman utilizes the lady who is influenced by the yellow backdrop to show that ladies in that time were caught an internal world, which was the primary explanation behind their madness â€Å"I didn’t acknowledge for quite a while what the thing was that appeared behind, that diminish sub-design, however I now I am very certain it is a woman.† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 6, page 10). The yellow backdrop additionally shows that were mistreated by their better half such a great amount of that so as to escape from this reality, they co ncocted circumstances and things that later would aggravate them â€Å"At night in any sort of light, in nightfall, flame light, lamplight, and most exceedingly awful of all by moonlight, it becomes bars! The outside example I mean, and the lady behind it is as plain as can be† (in the same place). There are three topics in the story â€Å"The yellow wallpaper†. The primary topic is the subjection of ladies in marriage. From this subject the writer is attempting to show to the peruser the manner in which ladies were treated in those days. Ladies were dealt with and seen from men as brainless youngsters that required management and uncommon consideration â€Å"He is cautious and adoring, and scarcely lets me mix without extraordinary bearing. I have a calendar solution for every hour in the day† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 2). Additionally Gilman utilizes the customary marriage in the nineteenth century to guarantee that ladies stayed peasants. â€Å"John snickers at me, obviously, yet one expects that in marriage† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 1). Moreover men kept ladies in an adolescent condition of numbness and didn’t let them completely create â€Å"I have a calendar remedy for every hour in the day†(Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 2) and â€Å"There comes John, and I should take care of this, †he would rather not have me compose a word† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 3). At last men expected that on account of their boss insight and development, which prompted misinterpretation, patronization and mastery of their ladies, they were the ideal individuals that could help their ‘sick’ spouses â€Å"John doesn't have the foggiest idea the amount I truly endure. He knows there is no motivation to endure, and that fulfills him† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 2, page 3) and â€Å" But John says in the event that I feel along these lines, I will disregard appropriate poise; so I go to considerable lengths to control myself †before him, in any event, and that makes me very tired† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 2). The second topic that the creator Charlotte Perkins Gilman uses to show the situation of ladies in nineteenth century American culture is simply the significance articulation. The psychological limitations upon the ladies are the explanation behind making them crazy â€Å"There comes John, and I should take care of this, †he prefers not to have me compose a word â€Å" (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 3) and â€Å"So I take phosphates or phospites †whichever it is, and tonics, and excursions, and air, and work out, and am completely prohibited to â€Å"work† until I am well again† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 1). White collar class ladies a large portion of the occasions are compelled to shroud their feelings of dread and nerves and attempt to keep up the faã §ade of a fruitful marriage so as to feel that they are winning the battle against despondency â€Å"He is cautious and cherishing, and barely lets me mix without uncommon dire ction† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 2) and â€Å"No wonder the kids despised it! I should detest it myself in the event that I needed to live in this room long. There comes John, and I should take care of this, †he would rather not have me compose a word† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 3). What is more is that men are compelling ladies to turn out to be absolutely latent by precluding them to practice their brain â€Å"So I take phosphates or phospites †whichever it is, and tonics, and excursions, and air, and work out, and am completely taboo to â€Å"work† until I am well again† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 1). As a Gilman says â€Å"a mind that is kept in a condition of constrained latency is destined to self-destruction†. The third topic that the creator Charlotte Perkins Gilman utilizes so as to show the job of ladies in the nineteenth century American culture is the shades of malice of the â€Å"resting cure†. Gilman needed to represent through the story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† the way a psyche, which is as of now harmed with uneasiness and dread can decay when it is constrained into latency and it is kept from sound work. Mitchell paid attention to Gilman’s analysis and halted the â€Å"resting cure†. Gilman censures any type of clinical treatment that is done to the patient by disregarding his interests, considering additionally herself as an aloof object of treatment â€Å"So I take phosphates or phospites †whichever it is, and tonics, and excursions, and air, and work out, and am completely illegal to â€Å"work† until I am well again† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 1, page 1) and â€Å"John says I mustn’t lose my quality, and has me take cod liver oil and loads of tonics and things, to avoid anything related to brew and wine and uncommon meat† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 3, page 7). Ladies in the nineteenth century American culture regularly stay quiet when the man talks â€Å"Better in body maybe †â€Å"I started, and held back, for he sat upright and took a gander at me with such a harsh, severe look that I was unable to state another word† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 3, page 9). At last men for the most part infantilize ladies, since they think ladies are youngsters and brainless â€Å"Then he took me in his arms and considered me a favored little goose† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman, section 2, page 3). With everything taken into account ladies are seen by men as kids that don’t have a mind and need assistance and management from a keen individual (man). Women’s job in nineteenth century American culture isn't the equivalent with men, who are the ones that control and hear to whatever men state. Men utilized their astuteness so as to help â€Å"sick† ladies defeat their disorder, however this prompted the confusion, patronization and control of ladies. At long last ladies weren’t let to compose nor read whatever resembled a book, so as to not savvy and taught and escape from the control of men.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Response of Plastic Scintillators to Low-energy Photon

Question: Characterize the system that is utilized to experience if there is nearness of any quencher while breaking down. How can it measure the radiation having diverse radiation forces? Answer: Shine was found at college of California by Samuel Curran in 1944.Scintillation is the instrument normally used to gauge excitation impact on radiation on sparkle object (Peralta and Rego, 2014). To quantify the layer and ligand official through sparkle there is explicit strides to be followed. Cells which must be investigated is homogenized with cradle (50 mM Tris-Cl, 0.32 M sucrose, pH 7.4) and centrifuged at 1500xg at 4oC for 10 minutes. Supernatant was gathered and again centrifuged at 13000xg at 4oC for 20 minutes. This procedure is rehashed twice with the homogenisation cushion and pellet is then gathered and suspended in the Tris cradle (50 mM Tris-Cl, pH 7.4). In the following stage protein ligand is labeled with the radiolabeled compound to shape radio ligand and this whole advance is called radio ligand restricting test with various nano-molar grouping of [3H] kainite. Vague restricting was broke down within the sight of 1mM glutamate and further restricting is done at 4oC at before fast filtration on GF/C glass channel however cell reaper. Multiple times washing is finished with cold 0.9% saline arrangement and later this is presented to glittering counter with glimmer liquid. Because of the colorific forces are estimated and at the time through auto analysers associated with a computerized PC frameworks. The authoritative of layer to ligand which is radiolabeled naturally decreases the force of the radio nucleotide while as unbound ligand doesn't shows any adjustments in the discovery power (Vulluru et al, 2005). References Valluru L, Xu J, Zhu Y, Yan S, Contractor A, Swanson GT. (2005). Ligand restricting is a basic prerequisite for plasma layer articulation of heteromeric kainate receptors. J Biol Chem. 280(7):6085-6093 Peralta L, Rego F. (2014). Reaction of plastic scintillators to low-vitality photons. Phys Med Biol. 59(16):4621-4633.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Educational Technology in small state countries The Maldives

Presentation This paper is planned for talking about the reception of instructive innovations in such a nation as the Maldives. It is important to concentrate on the geographic, segment, and financial quirks of this state. Moreover, much consideration ought to be paid to the arrangements on data and correspondence advances (ICTs). Also, one ought to comprehend the difficulties that they face while setting up ICT.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Educational Technology in little state nations: The Maldives explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More One can contend that the strategy producers of this nation value the job of ITCs for the expert advancement of understudies. In any case, they need to defeat infrastructural issues. This is the fundamental contention that can be advanced. Maldives initially The Republic of Maldives incorporates 26 atolls that are situated between the Chagos Archipelago and Minicoy Island (Ellis, 2008, p. 4). As indicated by the 2013 estimation, the number of inhabitants in the nation numbers 393,988 individuals (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013). Dhivehi is the official language in the Maldives; anyway English is likewise generally spoken. The state can be depicted as a presidential republic. The economy of this nation firmly relies upon the travel industry, since this part yields around 29 percent of the GDP (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013). These are a portion of the primary perspectives that should be thought of. Recorded diagram of training in Maldives It ought to be noticed that in the instructive arrangement of this nation has for quite some time been founded on such associations as edhuruge. This term is utilized to portray the social occasion of youngsters in some private home (Mohamed Ahmed, 1998, p. 1; Rao, 2005, p. 183). These schools were represented by nearby networks. One should remember understudies, who go to edhuruges, just get simple information on number juggling and Quran (Mohamed Ahmed, 1998, p. 1). As of now, there are endeavors to make edhuruges progressively steady with the scholarly gauges that are set by the state (Gupta, 2007, p. 119). The Maldives Ministry of Education was shaped in 1968 (International Bureau of Education, 2013). Thus, the choice of to bind together national instructive framework was received uniquely in 1978 (Mohamed Ahmed, 1998, p. 1).Advertising Looking for report on instruction? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More, all things considered, the adjustments in the instructive arrangement of this state can be clarified by the formative needs of the nation. The manageability of its economy was subject to the accessibility of gifted work. This is one of the issues that can be singled out. Present instruction framework in the Maldives The Ministry of Education Currently, the Ministry of Education in the nation comprises of a few offices or divisions. Among them, one can recognize the Educational Development Center, the Department of Public Examinations, the Educational Development Center, and different associations (International Bureau of Education, 2013). These divisions have a wide extent of duties and orders. Specifically, they should structure national educational program in schools and give assets that ought to be utilized by educators and students. Aside from that, this organization needs to advance proficient improvement of teachers (International Bureau of Education, 2013). These divisions are additionally answerable for the assortment of information about the exhibition of schools and improvement of procedures that should profit the two students and instructors. By and large, the fundamental errand of this service is to guarantee that the training offered to individuals compares to the formative needs of the nation. Instructive approaches of the nation The instructive strategies of the nation are principally planned for improving the skills of educato rs. For instance, it is conceivable to allude to the Professional Development Policy embraced in 2009 which should give chances to teachers. Thusly, these experts need to go to workshops, classes, online projects, workshops, and courses which help them to expand their guidance techniques (International Bureau of Education, 2013). This approach is generally planned for teachers who need to spend in any event 15 on the exercises that advance the improvement of their aptitudes. This is one of the viewpoints that can be singled out. Furthermore, strategy producers endeavor to kill the imbalances existing among schools situated in various pieces of the nation. Specifically, they need the schools situated on different islands to have similar assets that are accessible to schools in Male which is the capital of the nation. This methodology is additionally basic for the improvement of students’ scholastic performance.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Educational Tec hnology in little state nations: The Maldives explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More National educational program center The national educational program created in this nation incorporates a few formative zones. Most importantly, one can talk about mental, enthusiastic and physical advancement of a kid (Maldives Ministry of Education, 2001). Moreover, much consideration is paid to the social aptitudes of a student and his/her capacity to comprehend and follow Islamic standards of conduct (Maldives Ministry of Education, 2001). At long last, instructors concentrate of learners’ diagnostic and basic reasoning aptitudes that are basic for scholastic execution of understudies. However, it ought to be referenced that the job of advancements and their utilization are not adequately worried in the national educational program. The approach creators and teachers allude to the abilities that are important for financial exercises, however they don't make reference to I CTs (Maldives Ministry of Education, 2001). This is one of the primary confinements that ought not be ignored. Instructive innovation strategies and targets ICT capabilities recognized by UNESCO It ought to be referenced that there are a few ICTs abilities that are distinguished by worldwide associations, for example, UNESCO (2011). Specifically, they are identified with so much territories as venture based learning, bunch work, critical thinking and other learning exercises of understudies (UNESCO 2011). They are basic for the intellectual improvement of an individual (Price, 2012, p. 10). Moreover, instructors ought to have the option to utilize new instructional models which can all the more likely adventure the open doors gave by data advances. It is conceivable to recognize the accompanying capabilities: innovation education or capacity to apply ICTs; information extending or arrangement of learning materials and directions which add to the improvement of students’ aptit udes; information creation or the advancement of learners’ capacity to make developments and produce new information (UNESCO, 2011, p. 7). These are the primary abilities that ought to be considered by teachers. ICT advancement of the Maldives At present, the administration of the nation endeavors to make ICTs progressively reasonable. This is the reason they decreased import charges forced on PC hardware (Ahmed, 2004, p. 6). Also, the administration needs to change the market for Internet specialist co-ops (Ahmed, 2004, p. 5). These activities are indispensable for development of ICT foundation inside the nation (Foster, 2011, p. 75).Advertising Searching for report on training? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More One of the objectives that are set by the state is to build the PC education of understudies (Ahmed, 2004, p. 6). So as to accomplish this objective, they give PCs to schools that are situated in different locales of the nation. By and by, it is basic to recall that there are huge disparities between different pieces of the nation (Hens, 2006, p. 193). For example, the nature of Internet association in Male is far superior to in different areas. Additionally, the appropriation of ITCs is considerably more far reaching in schools situated in the capital than in different pieces of the Maldives. This is one of the issues that ought to be considered. Ongoing instructive activities in Maldives Educational arrangements identified with the execution of ITCs Currently, the administration endeavors to improve IT framework in instructive associations. One of their aims is to ensure that PCs are available in each auxiliary school (Government of Maldives, 2006, p. 91). Notwithstanding that, arr angement creators stress the capacity of educators to join ITCs into their exercises. All in all, their general objective is to make data advances a piece of the instructive procedure. This goal is basic for expanding the expert intensity of school graduates. ITC extends in instruction One can distinguish a few ventures are identified with the execution of data advancements. As a matter of first importance, much consideration ought to be paid to the foundation of Multipurpose Community Telecenter. This establishment should furnish students with so much assets as fax, phone message, phones, Internet, or TV (Survey of ICTs for Education in India and South Asia, 2010, p. 74). This association will be proposed for individuals who don't approach ICTs in their nearby schools. Besides, Maldives Ministry of Education takes an interest in the program called the Virtual University for Small States (Survey of ICTs for Education in India and South Asia, 2010, p. 74). This program empowers under studies to take the courses that are held in the colleges of the United Kingdom, Canada, or Australia. All things considered, this task depends on dynamic utilization of data and correspondence innovations. They empowered understudies from the Maldives to communicate with recognized educators. In addition, there are numerous activities that should improve the infra

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Customer Relationship Management Essay - 1100 Words

Customer Relationship Management (Essay Sample) Content: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT by Students nameCode+ course nameProfessors nameUniversity nameCity, StateDate Table of contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917258" Table of contents  PAGEREF _Toc399917258 \h i HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917259" Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc399917259 \h ii HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917260" Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc399917260 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917261" Theoretical Foundation of the CRM Implementation  PAGEREF _Toc399917261 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917262" Hypothesis Development  PAGEREF _Toc399917262 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917263" Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc399917263 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917264" References List  PAGEREF _Toc399917264 \h 5AbstractThe understanding of how to manage customer relationship effectively has become an important topic for both academics and practitioners in recent years. However, the existing academic literature on customer relationshi p management (CRM) strategies of some busineses does not provide a comprehensive outline of what specifically constitutes CRM phases.The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness, shortages and prospects for small businesses in customer relationship management. This study has three purposes: to conceptualize and operationalize the CRM implementation in all small businesses; to determine whether the CRM implementation is positively associated with customer satisfaction; and to determine key moderators between CRM implementation and customer satisfaction. IntroductionIn recent years many small businesses intend to develop and manage stronger interaction with their customers with the aim to maximize customer equity. This involves building and managing successful customer relationships to raise customer Satisfaction. Due to the dramatic changes in the global business environment and the shift of power from businesses to customers, the paradigm of Business-to-Customer has b een replaced by that of CRM. Inevitably, many small businesses have begun to rethink on how to build valuable relationships with their customers.The expected contribution of this article is to conceptualize and operationalize a measure to which CRM is implemented in small businesses. This study has the purpose of understanding the effectiveness, shortages and prospects for small businesses in relation to customer relationship management. Due to the dramatic changes in the global business environment and the shift of power from businesses to customers, the paradigm of Business-to-Customer has been replaced by that of CRM. Inevitably, many small businesses have begun to rethink on how to build valuable relationships with their customers. The expected contribution of this article is to conceptualize and operationalize a measure to which CRM is implemented in small businesses. This study has the purpose of understanding the effectiveness, shortages and prospects for small businesses in relation to customer relationship management. Theoretical Foundation of the CRM ImplementationThe literature on CRM suggests that small businesses should consider the customer relationship life cycle. This life cycle describes ideal phases that occur regularly in a customer relationship. In general, there are three core phases:Customer Acquisition, Customer Enhancement, and Customer Recovery CRM implementation is a long term longitudinal phenomena.First, the acquisition phase describes the initiation of a customer-business relationship. A business faces the following marketing tasks: customer persuasion and customer stimulation. According to Villanueva et al. (2008), customers who come because of word of mouth add a lot more value to the business compared to customers acquired through traditional marketing processesA stimulation methodology is a consumers incentive that forms a relationship with the business. Short lived stimulation is frequently used for solitary transactions suc h as special sales. On the other hand, long lived stimulation is in most cases is used for compound transactions and is intended at developing an enduring consumer relationship. The subsequent customer enhancement stage includes three essential CRM tasks: customary evaluation management, contact rate management, and increasing selling management. In CRM initiatives, customer care representatives assist customers get acquainted with the services and products, hence improving customer product information. The representatives also gather customer information for flourishing controls of individual customer relationships (Mudie and Cottam, 1993).Therefore many business service systems play the role of touch points. One of the characteristics of successful CRM implementation is the capability of the business to develop better or more suitable products and services via these touch points. In addition, deploying IT support functions fosters one-to-one relationships with each individual cu stomer at any time (Shoemaker, 2001). There is a common finding that businesses overspend on marginal customers and the most profitable customers do not receive their fair share of attention (Reinartz et al., 2004). Businesses systematically attempt to mature relationships by cross-selling products with high purchase likelihood (Kamakura et al., 2002). For example, in the mature phase when the customer potential has been maximized, a business aim is to maintain the level of sales by providing up-selling and customized offerings. Therefore, small business reinforces the switching barriers. The switching barriers will ensure that a customer is dependent on the business and that the related turnover and profits are secured. Third, customer relationship termination generally takes place when a customer feels that the value of the service is not of the expected standard, In the case of a paradigm that is customer-centered; consumer asset management (CAM), quality return, customer equity (CE), and overhaul profit chain are similar to CRM where customer-centered point of view is based on management concepts. Hypothesis DevelopmentIn CRM, satisfaction is a customers cumulative evaluation of the purchase and consumption experience (Anderson et al., 1994). Long-term customers are less sensitive to losses generated from a given transaction because they tend to weigh prior satisfaction levels highly (Bolton, 1998). One of the emphases of CRM is to provide individual customers with customized products and services. Customized offerings are very likely to meet customers&... Customer Relationship Management Essay - 1100 Words Customer Relationship Management (Essay Sample) Content: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT by Students nameCode+ course nameProfessors nameUniversity nameCity, StateDate Table of contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917258" Table of contents  PAGEREF _Toc399917258 \h i HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917259" Abstract  PAGEREF _Toc399917259 \h ii HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917260" Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc399917260 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917261" Theoretical Foundation of the CRM Implementation  PAGEREF _Toc399917261 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917262" Hypothesis Development  PAGEREF _Toc399917262 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917263" Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc399917263 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc399917264" References List  PAGEREF _Toc399917264 \h 5AbstractThe understanding of how to manage customer relationship effectively has become an important topic for both academics and practitioners in recent years. However, the existing academic literature on customer relationshi p management (CRM) strategies of some busineses does not provide a comprehensive outline of what specifically constitutes CRM phases.The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness, shortages and prospects for small businesses in customer relationship management. This study has three purposes: to conceptualize and operationalize the CRM implementation in all small businesses; to determine whether the CRM implementation is positively associated with customer satisfaction; and to determine key moderators between CRM implementation and customer satisfaction. IntroductionIn recent years many small businesses intend to develop and manage stronger interaction with their customers with the aim to maximize customer equity. This involves building and managing successful customer relationships to raise customer Satisfaction. Due to the dramatic changes in the global business environment and the shift of power from businesses to customers, the paradigm of Business-to-Customer has b een replaced by that of CRM. Inevitably, many small businesses have begun to rethink on how to build valuable relationships with their customers.The expected contribution of this article is to conceptualize and operationalize a measure to which CRM is implemented in small businesses. This study has the purpose of understanding the effectiveness, shortages and prospects for small businesses in relation to customer relationship management. Due to the dramatic changes in the global business environment and the shift of power from businesses to customers, the paradigm of Business-to-Customer has been replaced by that of CRM. Inevitably, many small businesses have begun to rethink on how to build valuable relationships with their customers. The expected contribution of this article is to conceptualize and operationalize a measure to which CRM is implemented in small businesses. This study has the purpose of understanding the effectiveness, shortages and prospects for small businesses in relation to customer relationship management. Theoretical Foundation of the CRM ImplementationThe literature on CRM suggests that small businesses should consider the customer relationship life cycle. This life cycle describes ideal phases that occur regularly in a customer relationship. In general, there are three core phases:Customer Acquisition, Customer Enhancement, and Customer Recovery CRM implementation is a long term longitudinal phenomena.First, the acquisition phase describes the initiation of a customer-business relationship. A business faces the following marketing tasks: customer persuasion and customer stimulation. According to Villanueva et al. (2008), customers who come because of word of mouth add a lot more value to the business compared to customers acquired through traditional marketing processesA stimulation methodology is a consumers incentive that forms a relationship with the business. Short lived stimulation is frequently used for solitary transactions suc h as special sales. On the other hand, long lived stimulation is in most cases is used for compound transactions and is intended at developing an enduring consumer relationship. The subsequent customer enhancement stage includes three essential CRM tasks: customary evaluation management, contact rate management, and increasing selling management. In CRM initiatives, customer care representatives assist customers get acquainted with the services and products, hence improving customer product information. The representatives also gather customer information for flourishing controls of individual customer relationships (Mudie and Cottam, 1993).Therefore many business service systems play the role of touch points. One of the characteristics of successful CRM implementation is the capability of the business to develop better or more suitable products and services via these touch points. In addition, deploying IT support functions fosters one-to-one relationships with each individual cu stomer at any time (Shoemaker, 2001). There is a common finding that businesses overspend on marginal customers and the most profitable customers do not receive their fair share of attention (Reinartz et al., 2004). Businesses systematically attempt to mature relationships by cross-selling products with high purchase likelihood (Kamakura et al., 2002). For example, in the mature phase when the customer potential has been maximized, a business aim is to maintain the level of sales by providing up-selling and customized offerings. Therefore, small business reinforces the switching barriers. The switching barriers will ensure that a customer is dependent on the business and that the related turnover and profits are secured. Third, customer relationship termination generally takes place when a customer feels that the value of the service is not of the expected standard, In the case of a paradigm that is customer-centered; consumer asset management (CAM), quality return, customer equity (CE), and overhaul profit chain are similar to CRM where customer-centered point of view is based on management concepts. Hypothesis DevelopmentIn CRM, satisfaction is a customers cumulative evaluation of the purchase and consumption experience (Anderson et al., 1994). Long-term customers are less sensitive to losses generated from a given transaction because they tend to weigh prior satisfaction levels highly (Bolton, 1998). One of the emphases of CRM is to provide individual customers with customized products and services. Customized offerings are very likely to meet customers&...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie The Battle Algiers - 1212 Words

The four films that we have watched are all centered around the theme that Africa has more than just a â€Å"single story†. Africa is full of diverse people from all kinds of backgrounds. While the Battle of Algiers, Sembene!, Welcome to Nollywood, and Timbuktu have shown many different stories, they have just barely scratched the surface of the millions of â€Å"single stories† that can be found in Africa. The Battle Algiers tells the story of the French and the Algerian National Liberation Front during the Algerian Revolution. It covers both sides of the Revolution that eventually began the movement against the French Colonial rule in Algeria. Sembene! tells of the life of Ousmane Sembene and his journey from ordinary man to â€Å"father of the African cinema†. This film talks about some of the different films he has made and why he continues to make films. Welcome to Nollywood follows three of the directors in the Nigerian film industry and talks about not on ly the film industry as a whole but of the effect it has on west Africa. Timbuktu tells the story of many different people all effected by the Jihadists in some way. The Battle of Algiers and Timbuktu tell actual historical stories while Sembene! And Welcome to Nollywood are documentaries that talk about specific directors and the stories they aim to tell. These films all speak to each other in numerous ways. I will be focusing on Sembene! and Welcome to Nollywood because they are both documentaries that tell the stories ofShow MoreRelatedThe Psychoanalysts of Violence Essay1208 Words   |  5 PagesThe film â€Å"Battle for Algiers† can be analyzed thoroughly through Frantz Fanon’s and Hannah Arendt’s polar opposite theories on violence. The implication of both theories is represented in the film that has captured the understanding of both insightful phenomena. Fanon’s views on violence are it unifies individuals into forming a complex unit organism tha t works together, rinses, in addition it is presented as an effective and productive mean that support the process of decolonization. In contractRead MoreThe Battle Of Algiers ( A Reenactment Of Algeria s Fight For Independence1328 Words   |  6 Pagesopen to interpretation and analysis. If the piece of art is significant, it will be thought or emotion provoking and uncensored. It is not the role of art take cautious steps in an attempt to leave its audience unoffended, but rather to embrace diversity of thought and creativity to portray untainted ideas. Filmmaking—being a form of art—follows the same guidelines and thus shapes society through its objectionable and often jarring subject matter. The Battle of Algiers (a reenactment of Algeria’sRead MoreThe Battle of Algiers: Critical Analysis2185 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿Critical Analysis Introduction In the film, there are many different aspects to the plot. This is because the filmmaker is focused on conveying a number of ideas and themes to the audience. When this happens, they have a greater understanding and appreciation for contrasting views. In the movie, the Battle of Algiers, there is a variety of topics that are discussed. To fully understand what is happening, there will be a focus on the storytelling, acting, cinematography, editing, sound, styleRead More Terrorism Essay1933 Words   |  8 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;After watching both Battle of Algiers and Bloody Sunday I have come to have a better understanding of the motivations behind these two very important revolutions. It is important to understand why the FLN and IRA decided to engage in â€Å"terrorist† activities, because analysis of the motivations behind their actions will allow us to see how â€Å"terrorists† are labeled and who is labeling them. The ways in which these groups are labeled and characterized has a large impact

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Turkey A Middle Eastern Country South Of The...

YU Jia ECO 315 12/2/2014 Turkey Turkey is a Middle Eastern country south of the Mediterranean Sea and west to the Aegean Sea. Turkey main religion is Sunni Muslim with a minority of Sufi Muslims with Christians, Jews and other religions only making up about 0.2 percent of the total population. Turkey is a relatively small country compared to the United States or China with the population of 74 million in 2013 (The World Fact book) In the last 15 years Turkey has made huge leaps and bounds to improve their economy and become a more economy independent country. Turkey as we know today was founded in 1923 from the remnants of the defeated Ottoman Empire by Mustafa Kemal (â€Å"Father of the Turks†). In the 1950’s†¦show more content†¦As talk about before Turkey is mostly a Muslim country which means building business relationships with them will require special practice. Many people say that Turkey combines European and Middle East traditions when it comes to the business culture of their country. Turkey like many free markets as a well developed family owned business market. The mom and pop business is important to many counties with a free market because it helps to give competition to other larger companies helping keep prices lower and better quality for the people. And always keep in mind that as a Muslim country Friday is a holy day for Muslims to visit the temple and pray, so don’t try to get any business done on a Friday. Also keep in mind other holy holidays such as Ramadan which is a month long and is a important holy day. This does impact how Turkey works with foreign business, as a country they have done good to not let regions holidays and other holy things get in their way of business growth. Other cultural differences would be when negotiation deals don’t just talk about profit but talk about power, respect, and recognition of that company. These things are all important to all companies but are even more important to a Turke y company. The government of Turkey has played a huge role in the country economic success, in the last ten years the government has made many reforms that

Emerging Issue Of Obesity Commerce Free-Samples for Students

Question: Write a Report on Is it time for legislation? Answer: Introduction (Source: Stark, 2008) Obesity is recognized as one of the fastest growing health issue across the world and mainly in the regions of Australia. An approximate of 63% of the Australian adults is obese or overweight and that is why the country is started calling as a fat nation (AIHW, 2017). There has also been analysed the similar issue in the children and the data reveals that out of every 4 children 1 is in the obese category. The increasing obesity is associated with the high risk of numerous health related issues comprising of premature death, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, hypertension and coronary heart disease (AIHW, 2017). The rate of children suffering from diabetes, respiratory problem and high blood pressure is also increasing because of the high level of obesity. The report will focus on the essential need of legislation for controlling the up surging issues of obesity. Obesity is it time for legislation? (Source: Butt, 2015) The up surging issues of obesity are fetching high attention of the legislation and the Australian Government. Obesity is not only increasing the number of health issues in the Australians but is also raising the financial burden upon the individuals suffering from obesity. There are growing expenses on the medical care because of the various health issues as a result of obesity (Pilkauskas, 2015). Obesity in Australia and fast food The health consequents and the issues of obesity are still rising with an increasing arte but there is very squat or nor impact upon the Australian have been evaluated. The follow data shows that from the period of 2006 to 2016, there has been realized a total of around $8,000 million of increased revenue earned by the fast-food outlets or service providers which offers the fast food to the people both at the restaurants and via home delivery (Bankwest, 2016). (Bankwest, 2016) This demonstrates the unhealthy food and dietary habits of the individuals. The primary reason of obesity is the consumption of fast food and unhealthy foodstuff. Role of legislation in overcoming the issue of obesity The Australian Government and other legislative authorities have their significant role in managing and overcoming the issue of obesity. In the year 2006, there was establishment of OPC i.e. Obesity Policy Coalition. The primary objective of OPC is to advocate, analyze and recognize the evidence based regulatory initiatives and the policies for reducing the level of obesity and overweight, specifically in the children, at the national, state and the regional level (OPC, 2017). There were also introduced the national Protecting Children from Junk Food Advertising Bill in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2011. These bills were introduced to ban the consumption of fast food and decrease the levels obesity in Australians. There are several other bodies also which have their engagement in eliminating the issue of obesity from the nation such as National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Government Department of health, etc. All these bodies are paying increasing attention over the risin g issues of obesity (Lowe, 2014). Imposing high taxes The Government and the legislative bodies have a controlling power which can help in reducing the obesity levels among the individuals. It can be perform by imposing additional and high taxes upon the purchase of fast food products as well as other unhealthy substances which can lead to high obesity level such as beverages like soft drinks, etc. (Roberto, et al., 2015).There are already high taxes upon the consumption of tobacco and alcohol because of the fact that they are injurious to the health of the individuals. In a similar way, the Government and the regulatory bodies are required to impose high taxes and duty on the trading as well as purchasing of fast food (Sonneville, et al., 2015). This will impact the buying power of the individuals and will restrict the continuous buying of these products. Once the buyer will be restricted, the level of obesity among the adults, youngsters and mainly children will automatically reduce (Kite, et al., 2015). Controlling advertisements There are numerous advertisements which take use of individuals who are very slim and have a BMI below normal. Such advertisement poses a negative impact upon the healthy and fat people by lowering down their self-esteem (Wang, Liaukonyte and Kaiser, 2015). There are also advertisements of fast food chains and restaurants which try to fetch the attention of the consumers and mainly the children. Because of getting influenced from such advertisements, there is increase demand for fast food by the children as well as by the youngsters (Swinburn and Wood, 2013). And this directly results in increasing level of obesity among them. The Government and legal various legal associations can control these advertisements by avoiding the use of children in the adverts, by making obligatory for the fast food service providers to provide a complete detail of the fats and other ingredients contained in each food product. Under the compliance of the Childrens Television Standards 2009 (CTS), there m ust be restrictions upon such type of advertisements which can a negative effect on the health of the children (Eckermann, et al., n.d.). Limitations on the advertisements can somehow restrict the increasing demand for the fast food which can control the level of obesity among the Australians. Role of information campaigns There are several information campaigns which take place on a regular basis but these have a limited and squat impact upon the individuals and the obese. The people do not get much informed about the negative aspects of being obese because of the limited area they cover. If the Government can give its support to the information campaigns and expand the coverage area, then it can have a significant impact on the large number of audience. The Government can make the obligatory presence of the individuals in suchs information campaigns (King, et al., 2013). These information campaigns must offer adequate information regarding the issues take place due to over consumption of fast food, health impact of the unhealthy dietary habits, cause of obesity, negative implication of being an obese, ways for getting rid from obesity and benefits of healthy diet and exercises. This will help in making the individuals informed about the up surging issues of obesity (Vamos, et al., 2016). Conclusion The increasing levels of obesity among the adults, youngsters and the children of Australia is a highly concerned subject on which the governmental, legislative as well as non-governmental organisations are paying huge attention. The future of the nation i.e. the children are becoming the primary victims of obesity because of the individual preferences and select ion of food products. To control the increasing rate of obesity, now it is essential that there must be significant steps taken up by the legislations for controlling the rising rate of obese Australians. From the discussions in the report, it can be concluded that the regulatory and controlling powers of the legislative authorities and the Government, the issues of obesity can be controlled by various means such as by imposing high taxes and duty on fast food, by restricting the depressing and negatively influencing advertisement. There can also be achieved positive outcomes if there can be higher and enhanced engagement of the individuals in the information campaigns run with the support of the Government. References AIHW, 2017. Overweight and obesity. Accessed on: 27th April, 2017. Accessed from: Bankwest, 2016. Food and Beverage Services Industry Report. Pp.11. Accessed on: 27th April, 2017. Accessed from: Butt, C., 2015. Australians are fat and unfit but at least we are drinking and smoking less. Accessed on: 27th April, 2017. Accessed from: Eckermann, L., Street, J., Reynolds, C. and Braunack-Mayer, A., Regulating obesity: An analysis of Australian legislative measures that address childhood obesity. King, E.L., Grunseit, A.C., OHara, B.J. and Bauman, A.E., 2013. Evaluating the effectiveness of an Australian obesity mass-media campaign: how did the Measure-Upcampaign measure up in New South Wales?.Health education research,28(6), pp.1029-1039. Kite, J., Hector, D., St George, A., Pedisic, Z., Phongsavan, P., Bauman, A., Mitchell, J. and Bellew, B., 2015. Comprehensive sector-wide strategies to prevent and control obesity: what are the potential health and broader societal benefits? A case study from Australia. Lowe, M., 2014. Obesity and climate change mitigation in Australia: overview and analysis of policies with co?benefits.Australian and New Zealand journal of public health,38(1), pp.19-24. OPC, 2017. Who we are. Accessed on: 27th April, 2017. Accessed from: Pilkauskas, N.V., 2015, January. Socioeconomic Inequality in Childhood Obesity: A Comparison of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. InSociety for Social Work and Research 19th Annual Conference: The Social and Behavioral Importance of Increased Longevity. Sswr. Roberto, C.A., Swinburn, B., Hawkes, C., Huang, T.T., Costa, S.A., Ashe, M., Zwicker, L., Cawley, J.H. and Brownell, K.D., 2015. Patchy progress on obesity prevention: emerging examples, entrenched barriers, and new thinking.The Lancet,385(9985), pp.2400-2409. Sonneville, K.R., Long, M.W., Ward, Z.J., Resch, S.C., Wang, Y.C., Pomeranz, J.L., Moodie, M.L., Carter, R., Sacks, G., Swinburn, B.A. and Gortmaker, S.L., 2015. BMI and healthcare cost impact of eliminating tax subsidy for advertising unhealthy food to youth.American journal of preventive medicine,49(1), pp.124-134. Stark, J., 2008. Australia now world's fattest nation. Accessed on: 27th April, 2017. Accessed from: Swinburn, B. and Wood, A., 2013. Progress on obesity prevention over 20 years in Australia and New Zealand.Obesity Reviews,14(S2), pp.60-68. Vamos, E.P., Lewis, E., Junghans, C., Hrobonova, E., Dunsford, E. and Millett, C., 2016. Community-based pilot intervention to tackle childhood obesity: a whole-system approach.Public Health,140, pp.109-118. Wang, R., Liaukonyte, J. and Kaiser, H.M., 2015. Does Advertising Content Matter? Impacts of Healthy Eating and Anti-Obesity Advertising on Willingness-to-Pay by Consumer Body Mass Index.Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.