Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie The Battle Algiers - 1212 Words

The four films that we have watched are all centered around the theme that Africa has more than just a â€Å"single story†. Africa is full of diverse people from all kinds of backgrounds. While the Battle of Algiers, Sembene!, Welcome to Nollywood, and Timbuktu have shown many different stories, they have just barely scratched the surface of the millions of â€Å"single stories† that can be found in Africa. The Battle Algiers tells the story of the French and the Algerian National Liberation Front during the Algerian Revolution. It covers both sides of the Revolution that eventually began the movement against the French Colonial rule in Algeria. Sembene! tells of the life of Ousmane Sembene and his journey from ordinary man to â€Å"father of the African cinema†. This film talks about some of the different films he has made and why he continues to make films. Welcome to Nollywood follows three of the directors in the Nigerian film industry and talks about not on ly the film industry as a whole but of the effect it has on west Africa. Timbuktu tells the story of many different people all effected by the Jihadists in some way. The Battle of Algiers and Timbuktu tell actual historical stories while Sembene! And Welcome to Nollywood are documentaries that talk about specific directors and the stories they aim to tell. These films all speak to each other in numerous ways. I will be focusing on Sembene! and Welcome to Nollywood because they are both documentaries that tell the stories ofShow MoreRelatedThe Psychoanalysts of Violence Essay1208 Words   |  5 PagesThe film â€Å"Battle for Algiers† can be analyzed thoroughly through Frantz Fanon’s and Hannah Arendt’s polar opposite theories on violence. The implication of both theories is represented in the film that has captured the understanding of both insightful phenomena. Fanon’s views on violence are it unifies individuals into forming a complex unit organism tha t works together, rinses, in addition it is presented as an effective and productive mean that support the process of decolonization. In contractRead MoreThe Battle Of Algiers ( A Reenactment Of Algeria s Fight For Independence1328 Words   |  6 Pagesopen to interpretation and analysis. If the piece of art is significant, it will be thought or emotion provoking and uncensored. It is not the role of art take cautious steps in an attempt to leave its audience unoffended, but rather to embrace diversity of thought and creativity to portray untainted ideas. Filmmaking—being a form of art—follows the same guidelines and thus shapes society through its objectionable and often jarring subject matter. The Battle of Algiers (a reenactment of Algeria’sRead MoreThe Battle of Algiers: Critical Analysis2185 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿Critical Analysis Introduction In the film, there are many different aspects to the plot. This is because the filmmaker is focused on conveying a number of ideas and themes to the audience. When this happens, they have a greater understanding and appreciation for contrasting views. In the movie, the Battle of Algiers, there is a variety of topics that are discussed. To fully understand what is happening, there will be a focus on the storytelling, acting, cinematography, editing, sound, styleRead More Terrorism Essay1933 Words   |  8 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;After watching both Battle of Algiers and Bloody Sunday I have come to have a better understanding of the motivations behind these two very important revolutions. It is important to understand why the FLN and IRA decided to engage in â€Å"terrorist† activities, because analysis of the motivations behind their actions will allow us to see how â€Å"terrorists† are labeled and who is labeling them. The ways in which these groups are labeled and characterized has a large impact

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